Sunday 29 November 2015

Techniques of Innovation in TV Advertisement

Innovation is regarded as an essence of advertising and marketing and branding professionals usually place a lot of importance on it. It is important to understand what innovation in TV advertisement is and how it works and how it doesn’t work. Innovation can be done in several ways. The most frequently used method is the elaboration of an unusual message or idea. This method breaks the pattern that others in the same field have followed. Avinash Pandey, the COO of ABP News and with a long experience with Star News, says that this method works when the new pattern gels well with the cultural norms of the viewer. If it’s too far removed from the established cultural norms of the audience, then it may backfire.

 Another method in which innovation is used is presentation of an old message in a very unexpected manner. This is very different from the above method, where the idea or the message itself is unusual. In contrast, the message may be similar to what the viewers are used to, but its presentation takes a very unexpected context and form. This kind of pattern breaks the set norm and introduces innovation. Avinash Pandey with an extensive experience with Star News and ABP News says that this method works well with audience who are culturally conditioned to accept the set pattern, but are open enough to allow some changes. This means that different types of innovations work with different types of viewers and research should be done to find out which method of innovation will work with which kind of viewers.

In context of TV advertising, it should be kept in mind that TV programmes are being watched by people from every walks of life. But at the same time, these programmes are focused on different groups of viewers. Some programmes are meant for certain types of viewers and so on. So, while choosing a programme for TV advertising, marketing strategist should understand which programme best suits the product and TV advertisement should use innovation accordingly. Marketing and branding skills should have it in built in them to understand how the TV ads work on different types of viewers and what the attention span of those viewers is. It is essential to understand these differences, because spending a lot of time and energy on a TV advertisement using innovation can be expensive and if this TV advertisement is aimed at viewers with little attention span for these ads then it means that all this effort is wasted.

A third method in TV advertisement and innovation uses technology. It’s not so much the idea or its presentation, but complex technology and exaggerated visual and sound effects that are used to introduce innovation in such TV advertisements. This method can be quite expensive and hence, care needs to be taken to find out if it will be received positively by the viewers. AvinashPandey says that his experience with Star News and ABP News has shown that every one of the above techniques of innovation in TV advertisement works when targeted at right kind of viewers in right kind of programmes. Hence, proper research is necessary to use innovation in TV advertising.

AvinashPandey’s profile can be reached at  
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